6 Şubat 2017 Pazartesi

Support Learning on the basis Nureoplacticity

As researchers said brain research is one of the great profession to understand human psychology and to make command about human behaviours according to what and which way.So, what we know about brain and psychology of a human on the basis of brain.Unfourtunately, there are some misconceptions about brain and its changing.For instance, most people think that the brain could not change after childhood and now it is thought that reality cannot be reflected in this way.Another misconception on brain, you are only using it, as separated part by part-meant using only one part of it- and while you are doing nothing the brain is keeping silent.It also does not reflect the truth.The truth is that the brain is still active when you are thinking of nothing.And this allowed to us to create advance in technology and many other advances.

Most interesting than this, when you learn a new skill or a fact you are changing your brain.This is a topic that is called as neuroplasticity reflect that a key of changes in brain when you get a something new.These are some changes that support learning process. ‘How do we learn and why does some of us learn things more easily than the others? These questions asked by Prof. Lara Boyd and she let us know its explanation is as follow; at least 25 years ago, after about puberty, only changes that took place in the brain were negative such as the loss of brain cells with aging, resulted damage like stroke and studies began to show remarkable amounts of reorganization in the adult brain.At the end of researchs have shown that all of our behaviours change our brain without limited by age or not only something negative.

So, if we analyse these changes in details, your brain can change in three basic ways to support learning.

First way is chemical.Brain function is getting start by transferring chemical signals  between neurons.By these chemical signals between neurons, the brain can focus on a topic and more concentrate to support learning.These are of course happening rapidly and for short term memory or short term improvement in the skill.

Secondly, the change can be occurred to support learning by altering its structure.During learning, the brain can change interactions between the neurons.It can take a bit more time and this is for long term memory or improvement in skills.According to Boyd’s example, ‘you want to learn something new such as; playing a piano or learning to juggle.After only one session of course process, you  tend to react within of your mediocre experience ‘I have got it’.But, in the next day, you are confusing and thinking that ‘I don’t know’.All things you got are lost.What happened? Because of some reasons, your brain could not increase the amount of chemical signals between neuron and could not create a structural change to support learning process.And you should remember that chemical signals are working for short term and the things you faced in the short term does not reflect learning.Long term memories needs more time.Structural change can also lead to  integrated networks of brain region that function together to support learning.It olso improves the skill to be concentrated while using a certain part of brain.Let’s give some examples about this topic from Prof. Boyd, people who read braille they have larger hand sensory areas in their brain than those of us who do not.Your dominant hand motor regioni which is on the left side of your brain, if you are right handed, is larger than the other side.And researcher shows that London taxi cab drivers who actually have to memorize a map of London to get their taxi cab license, they have larger brain regions devoted to spacial, or mapping memories.

Third way to support learning is altering its function. By using too many times a region of your brain, it becomes more excitable and easy to use again.Your brain supports these areas to be used every time and the brain is always excitability when it is activated.

So, neuroplasticity is supported by three ways such as; chemical, structural and functional changes.As mentioned above, all things that I got means a change in our brain and all changes that are mentioned support learning process of a human brain.They can occur in whole brain and concert, provide some eases to learn.


1-) Prof. Lara Boyd's Movie at TEDx Vancouverhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LNHBMFCzznE&feature=youtu.be 

                                                                                                                   Alican Yeniçeri
                                                                                                               Şubat 2017, HATAY

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